Therapy for every expression of human

You have full permission to be exactly who you are.

I am an Integrative Therapist, working with every expression of human through:

Talk Therapy, with an optional art focus

Therapeutic Dance & Movement

Bespoke Sensory experiences for SEND / PMLD

I collaborate with my clients to create a meaningful life where you feel accepted, heard, and held.


If you feel you have lost your sense of self, you’re feeling overwhelmed by your emotions and would like to know where you fit in, then I can help. I am committed to give you the space you need to discover the fullest expression of who you really are, which includes sitting with you in the discomfort and confusion, in order to discover it.

You will reconnect with your deepest, truest self, create new pathways of possibility, and foster a healthy, secure relationship with yourself, so you can live a truly authentic life.

Our therapeutic relationship will give you a space to explore what it means to you to be human!

Therapeutic Dance Events

This is a group experience where you will be guided through free form movement to explore unexpressed emotions and process then in a non-verbal way.

Trauma sensitive dance takes into account the whole person and your lived experience. It focuses on safety as well as expression through movement to integrate, regulate, and embody our thoughts, beliefs, experiences, and emotions.

This dance floor is held as safe and sacred, a space to explore and reclaim your sense of self through movement.

Sensory Sessions

These are bespoke sessions to meet the physical, emotional, sensory, behavioural and mental needs of individuals with SEND and PMLD.

These sessions will meet you where you are at, with a focus on interaction, communication and engagement. I use sensory stories, massage, yoga, movement, sound to create joy and connection, and cause and effect (if you touch something, it will lead to an action which creates a sense of agency).

I will work to integrate your special interests (if you love a TV show, specific music or games) to get into your world.